Atypical Anorexia Nervosa

by Umberto Nizzoli

In recent years, international literature has paid growing attention to the so-called "atypical" form of anorexia nervosa, which differs from the typical one in that the weight achieved by the individual remains within or above the normal range, despite a significant weight loss (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Read more…

Published April 2024

2024 Conference by the Italian Society of Psychopathology

By Patrizia Todisco, Eating Disorders Unit Villa Margherita-KOS group Vicenza (Italy)

The twenty-eighth Congress of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI), dedicated to “Empathy, sociality, emotional regulation” took place in Rome from 21 to 23 February… Read more…

Published April 2024

Scientific Articles

The articles shown here are based on the opinions and research of the authors for these specific articles.

21 June

By Umberto Nizzoli

June 21st, a day like any other, is just the beginning of summer. The approaching date of the dying Sun, the feast of Saint John (the Baptist who cut off Machaerus' head) which is popularly widespread in Italy; but there are no particular reasons why something special could have happened: it was simply a day like any other in which 4 national conferences on eating disorders took place... Read more…

Published April 2024

Comorbidities at the European Congress on Addictions, 2023

By Umberto Nizzoli

At the European Congress on Addictions held in Lisbon September 7-8, the nowadays clearly prevalent condition of the so-called “dual diagnosis” or concomitant pathologies was discussed… Read more…

Published December 2023

Body Image Satisfaction in a Non-Clinical Older Adult Male Sample: An Evaluation Study

By Mazzocchini J , Oppo L, Peyrani G, Rossi I, Manzato E , Atti AR

Body Image was first theorized in 1935 by Schilder, who defined it as a subjective mental image of one's body, that is how the body appears to oneself… Read more…

Published March 2023

Eating disorders in Italy: It is necessary and urgent to invest more resources in research and improve the use of the resources currently available.

By Riccardo Dalle Grave, MD

Eating disorders cause significant morbidity and mortality in adolescents and young adults. Anorexia Read more…

Published October 2022

Fight against violence on women and eating disorders

 By Umberto Nizzoli

In the heart of Rome, in the extraordinary location of Hadrian's temple (Tempio di Adriano) in Piazza di Pietra, a wonderful exhibition took place that lasted the whole week around November 25th, the Day against violence on women. Among the ancient columns Donna&Donna organized an event with dozens of formidable blow-ups Read more…

Published December 2023

Integrity of ... Science

by Umberto Nizzoli

In the race to improve the quality care of our patients, we must not go blind. Becoming blind, that is, not giving ourselves the time to understand what surrounds us, the time to understand where we are and where we have arrived. We repeat everywhere that we (EC AED) provide clinics based on evidence, that is, on science. Those who work in the clinic are thirsty for solid data that comes from research... Read more…

Published August 2024

Hidden and Lesser-Known Eating Disorders: Trauma and Eating Disorders

By Emilia Manzato

The association between eating disorders (ED) and trauma has been well known since last century. Trauma has been described as the result of one or more events experienced by an individual… Read more…

Published April 2024

Is there an overlap between eating disorders and obesity?

By Emilia Manzato

Overweight and obesity are among the most significant health problems in the world. Obesity is a complex disease of multifaceted origin.

Feeding and eating disorders (FED) are often associated with obesity and worsen… Read more…

Published October 2022

My Nightmare

By Annya Lowe


My nightmare started in 2020

Feeling Empty

Feeling alone

Feeling there was no way out of this hole

Read more…

Published July 2024

Professionals Burnout - Summary from symposium on burnout at The European Conference on Psychopathology

By Umberto Nizzoli

The World Health Organization General Director recently stated that at least a quarter of health professionals have anxiety… Read more…

Published December 2023

The View from Scotland

 By Phil Crockett

What I will present in this short article is hopefully to give a sense of the current development of Eating Disorder Services in Scotland with an emphasis on the challenges and also the expected directions of the work ahead. I am writing this from a personal viewpoint as I have worked in an… Read more…

Published July 2024

Clinical, demographic, and interpersonal characteristics of adult women with eating disorders in a rehabilitation program: an examination of predictors of recovery

Shani Hakakian-Issan1,3,4 , Yael Latzer1,2 , Eitan Gur4  & Sarit Huma4

Background: Eating disorders are severe mental illnesses associated with multiple psychiatric comorbidities, medical complications, … Read more…

Published April 2024

European Society on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Congress extract from B. Golse, AEPEA's president speech, Paris, Sept 29-30, 2023

 By B. Golse

The Covid 19 pandemic has had disastrous effects on the mental health of children and particularly adolescents, as the recent report from the… Read more…

Published December 2023

Food and Addictions

by Umberto Nizzoli, PhD

Key-words: Addiction, Substance Use Disorders, Eating Disorders, Food Addiction, Human development, Autonomy, Craving

Everything that is loved grows, Father Vincenzo Sorce used to repeat (1), which is equivalent to observing that those who are not loved, that is the unwelcome child, suffer damage to the Read more…

Published December 2022

Lockdown inside the Lockdown

By Todisco Patrizia, Villa Margherita, Vicenza

The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, started in February 2020, entailed slowdowns and interruptions in the emanation of the care services, for people with Eating Disorders (EDs) too. In this period of health emergency, EDs didn’t slow down their diffusion and… Read more…

Published October 2022

Recommendations for Clinical Approach of EDs in LGBTQI Patients

 By E. Manzato

Scientific research studies have established that Sexual Minority individuals are more likely to experience body image dissatisfaction (core stressor of eating disorders), weight concerns and disordered eating behaviour… Read more…

Published December 2023

Eating Disorders in Bulgaria

by Detelina Stamenova

Clear numbers of ED patients in Bulgaria are not available. According to statistical data, in the period 1951-1960 and in 1988-2000, the incidence increased from 0.45/100,000 to 20.1/100,000 for anorexia nervosa and 35.8/100,000 for bulimia nervosa. Lifetime morbidity is as high as 18.6%: 1% Read more…

Published December 2022

Faculty on Eating Disorders Conference, Royal College of Psychiatrists 2023

 By Umberto Nizzoli

The UK national conference on eating disorders organized by the Royal College of Psychiatrist was held in hybrid form on 2-3 November in London. The Conference was chaired by Ashish Kumar, who is the Chair of the Faculty on ED… Read more…

Published December 2023

Hidden and lesser Known Eating disorders: Eating Disorders in the Elderly 

By Luca Oppo and Emilia Manzato

Eating Disorders (EDs) often onset in adolescence or in early adulthood, but can persist or arise across lifespan and be present in midlife and in the Read more…

Published March 2023


Umberto Nizzoli

Listen. Listening has become a very difficult modality. 

Interaction that is too rapid conveys too much information. Emotionally we believe we have the necessary knowledge, but the judgments are too radical: free prejudices too close to bellicose confrontations… Read more…

Published April 2024

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Eating and Weight Disorders: Hidden and Lesser-known Disordered Eating Behaviors in Medical and Psychiatric Conditions

 By E.Manzato

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex and multifactorial condition that involves both metabolic and hormonal dsyfunctions… Read more…

Published July 2023

Treating Eating Disorders. One size doesn't fit all: the need for a new treatment approach

 By Michal Hason Rozenstein

Evidence based treatments for eating disorders. We all know them CBT, DBT, IPT… all protocols, methods that are focused on changing the eating behavior and thinking about eating and body shape. All focused on the eating… Read more…

Published December 2023

Effectiveness and efficacy of a videoconferencing-based Group  treatment program for Binge  Eating Disorder 

By Di Stani M., Proto A., Mucci I

Key words: Binge Eating Disorder, online group treatment, emotional regulation

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an Eating Disorder (ED) associated with  increased… Read more…

Published March 2023

It is time to develop all-age clinical services for eating disorders

Riccardo Dalle Grave, MD

Almost 50% of eating disorders begin before the age of 18, and many young people require treatments until they reach their mid-twenty and beyond. These data indicate that many patients address transitioning from child and adolescent Read more…

Published December 2022

Perspectives that matter: The viewpoints of adolescents and their parents regarding interventions for overweight/obesity

by Sílvia Félix, Sónia Gonçalves, Eva Conceição

We would like to begin by addressing the general barriers to the efficacy ...Read more…

Published August 2024

Preventing weight regain after bariatric surgery: the important role of new intervention strategies

by Marta de Lourdes, Paulo Machado, Eva Conceição  

Obesity is a major health problem worldwide and bariatric surgery is considered, nowadays, the most effective available therapy for long-term weight loss (Maggard et al., 2005). ... Read more…

Published August 2024

Some considerations about the second of the June “the world eating disorders day” and the world historical situation

By Emilia Manzato

The World Day of Eating Disorders (EDs) forces us to rethink both the difficulties we encounter every day in organizing the care of EDs and the effects of the current historical situation. ... Read more…

Published August 2024

Rebuild the mental health care system. The case of Eating Disorders in Italy, APA 2023 Conference, August 2023 Washington DC

 By Umberto Nizzoli

The Italian health system is universal, so it would like to offer every… Read more…

Published December 2023

Confronting unrealistic and unhealthy images in the media through legislation- The impact of Israeli 'Models’ Law'

 By Michal Cohen1, Rachel Adatto2, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer3, and Yael Latzer1,4 

Israel was the first country to confront the problem of unrealistic and unhealthy images in the media through Read more…

Published December 2022